Sunday 17 June 2012

moments of camp

those years, we slept in the bus...
hypnotize by the music?

kenneth cute !

khai xiang, jia wei !!

the last crusade...
to infinity, and beyond, shoott...

khai yang, cheng an, yin han, choon kit

kenneth: all of them sit down when i was there sitting alone :P

primy, wei ning

choon kit :)

zhan dong carrying choon kit

sliding fun !!

vivienne, kar en, wei ning

pei tze supporting, zec balancing !

Faces of Camp

when the button is pressed, the camera captures a moment of life where it can no longer b replayed. that very moment of time is quickly freeze into an image, a life moment being describe in a 2D dimension. how amazing is that! and through these images, we have a story to tell. this is our story in  CAMP TRANSFORMATION 2012:  AGAINST ALL ODDS.  look  at these faces, there can be so many different kind of smile. some light, some classic, some burst into laughter! the point is, we're so happy being together in camp! isn't it?

TIONG TUNG smiling with his eyes in his favourite T-shirt
" You can make it it you try "

PRIMY, captured on d staircase !  this is nice !

WEI XIONG, the smile is so natural , like a bear !

JIN SHYAN - best female camper !! 

YIN HAN, stand still !

ROSALYN, one word, classic BEAUTY !

MALVIS NG, feels like he had gone through a lot of ups & downs !

WEI NING, its like she's afraid and trying to smile. ha !

YI YEEN, look at this pic in d morning n u'll b filled with hope !!

THIEN CHYNG, she thinks the camp is fantastic !

HUI ZHIE, picture speaks well than words !

ROU SANG, our deputy  !

YEN TENG with her nice "eee.." !

KAR EN, next second u're going to laugh rite? haha !

KRISTIN, this is like
"when u smile, d whole world stops n stare for a while" !

VIVIENNE, ur fish accessory brings out d feel !
next time wear ur costume for faces of camp !

JIA YIN, young & energetic !